# Changelog (C0002)
## [v1.1.0](/view/C0002/1.1.0) (2020-11-16)
#### Added
- new features added
#### Changed
- what were changed
#### Fixed bugs:
- bugs that are fixed
## [v1.0.5](/view/C0002/1.0.5) (2020-11-12)
#### 彩蛋更新
- 新增對戰結束後人物說話
#### Added
- new features added
#### Changed
- what were changed
#### Fixed bugs:
- bugs that are fixed
## [v1.0.4](/view/C0002/1.0.4) (2020-11-12)
#### Added
- new features added
#### Changed
- what were changed
#### Fixed bugs:
- bugs that are fixed
## [v1.0.3](/view/C0002/1.0.3) (2020-11-12)
#### Added
- new features added
#### Changed
- what were changed
#### Fixed bugs:
- bugs that are fixed
## [v1.0.2](/view/C0002/1.0.2) (2020-11-12)
#### Added
- new features added
#### Changed
- what were changed
#### Fixed bugs:
- bugs that are fixed
## [v1.0.1](/view/C0002/1.0.1) (2020-11-12)
#### Added
- new features added
#### Changed
- what were changed
#### Fixed bugs:
- bugs that are fixed
## [v1.0.0](/view/C0002/1.0.0) (2020-11-12)
#### Added
- new features added
#### Changed
- what were changed
#### Fixed bugs:
- bugs that are fixed
## [v0.0.1](/view/C0002/0.0.1) (2020-11-12)
#### Added
- new features added
#### Changed
- what were changed
#### Fixed bugs:
- bugs that are fixed
## Authors